Gameplay Suggestions To CIG 2024

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Gameplay Suggestions For Star Citizen To CIG

SCFOCUS organization is well aware that CIG are flooded with feature requests from the community. Why not add fuel to the fire? We do not know if anyone at CIG reads any of our content nor do we care. Here is our list of requested features our members would like to see put into the game sooner rather than later. We will revisit progress on these features from time to time. Please note we are aware that some of these features may not even be planned. This list is for our own enjoyment and if CIG do happen to like anything they see on this list and cater to it that is a bonus.

Urgently Requested Features

CIG please work on these things with urgency if you are not already:

Ship & Vehicle Selling In Game

Selling back vehicles and ships should be a priority for the game at this stage. This will help with fleet inventory management, and also would lay the final foundation for the economy that is still missing. If the economy is based around players buying ships in game what about players being able to sell their ships back (trade in)?

This is a feature that should have been with us for some time yet remains nowhere in sight.

Secondhand Item Shops

There  should be in-game shops where players can sell their findings as well as buy items that other players have sold. Actual inventory for items would be a great addition and certainly part of any serious MMORPG contender. Also it would make the universe feel far move alive and lived-in.

Secondhand Ship Shops

Players could buy and sell pre-owened ships.

Better Integrated Voice and Text Communications

The way that chat works on the screen feels too disjointed compared to the immersive nature of Star Citizen and makes little sense with the AR lore. VOIP, FOIP and chat systems need to be reintegrated with the game to make them more immersive, applicable and usable.

New Starmap

An essential improvement that we are sure everyone in the community would like to test as soon as possible. Navigation in Star Citizen continues to be somewhat a painful experience.

Working NPC Bunkers

NPC missions on the ground often do not spawn the right amounts of enemies or spawn them in places players have no way to complete the missions. The game revolves around combat and having working combat at this stage seems like it should be a requirement including PVE.

Cargo Hauling - Cargo Running

Scripted missions should not be the main way to make money. They should offer some hand-holding, adventure and discovery but having scripted missions as the primary way to make money means that players generally stop doing organic cargo hauling. Which, frankly and sadly should be the heart of the MMO part of the game. It would be nice for scripted money making to take a back seat to organic grinding (mining, hauling, salvage, etc...).

Resupply / In-game Economy

Would be nice if the salvage, cleanup, delivery and other missions actually were connected to what is happening in the game.

Insurance Claim Delivery Cost & Time

Adding ship delivery to the insurance system along with the ship delivery profession (ISO pilots).

Ability to Stack All Items of The Same Kind

Stackable consumables in inventory need to be able to be stacked for inventory management reasons.

Mass Drop / Throw Away

Some type of disposal system where multiple items can be disposed of easily.

Sell All Button

An easy way to sell in bulk items that have been hoarded. A highlight to select (shift click) to sell those items. A select all button.

Leaving Scanned Objects Highlighted

After scanning, an item within visible distance should stay highlighted.

Bonus Suggestion

Marketing Email Spam

While not gameplay related, this issue is bugging some of the community: Too much marketing or misleading adverts. The overall "feel" seems to be that there are too many email ads to existing backers about the game. Overall, increasing ad spam for sales seems to be cheapening the game somewhat.

Striking a balance between too much advertising and none at all is clearly a difficult task but at the time this is a complaint more than a request and somewhat off topic.

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