Star Citizen is a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) that offers players the chance to explore a vast universe filled with planets, star systems, and exciting gameplay opportunities. As with any MMO, Star Citizen attracts a diverse group of players with different playstyles and goals. Here are the eight types of gamers you are likely to encounter in Star Citizen.
Star Citizen is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Players make their character appearance and then choose how they want to play. Instead of picking a class, like in traditional MMORPGs or leveling your character, players in Star Citizen define their role by their character equipment, ship loadout and how they play. For example, a player wearing medical equipment, using a medical ship and doing player rescue missions is effectively roleplaying a medic. A player with weapons, armor, a Cutlass Blue with prisoner cells and doing player bounty missions is roleplaying a bounty hunter.
While the player count needs to go up significantly before SC an be truly considered an MMORPG it is getting very close.
1. Casual Gamers
Casual gamers are players who enjoy playing Star Citizen but have very limited time to dedicate to it. They may have other commitments that limit their playtime, such as work or family obligations. Casual gamers are often attracted to Star Citizen because it offers them the opportunity to explore a rich and immersive universe without requiring a large time investment. They may enjoy flying their ships around and completing missions at their own pace.
Star Citizen Alpha is currently not well suited for casual gaming. Players must stay on top of constant new changes and deal with many time-soaking and game-breaking bugs. Having said this, the game still offers some things to casual games currently:
- Arena Commander Instant Action (racing, ground combat, space combat and even multicrew.)
- Progress can be easily saved by bed-logging. Enter your ships bed and then log out and resume right where you left off next time!
Eventually, as the game becomes more stable it will become more suited to casual players than during the Alpha development phase as frustrating bugs will reduce in frequency.
2. Hardcore Gamers
On the opposite end of the spectrum are hardcore gamers, who dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to Star Citizen. They may log in for several hours a day, completing missions, upgrading their ships, and exploring the universe. Hardcore gamers are often motivated by the challenge of mastering the game's systems and mechanics, as well as by the social aspect of playing with other like-minded players.
Hardcore gamers in Star Citizen can dedicate their time to many (often specialized) aspects including:
- PVP Racing Leagues
- Bounty Hunters
- UEC Farmers
- Roleplayers
- Dedicated Content Creators
- Dedicated SC Streamers
- Trolls
- and others...
3. Power Gamers
Power gamers are players who focus on maximizing their character's power and abilities. In Star Citizen, this often means optimizing their ships and equipment to give them an edge in combat or exploration. Power gamers are often driven by the desire to be the best, and they spend a lot of time researching and experimenting with different builds and loadouts to find the most effective combination.
4. Social Gamers
Social gamers are players who prioritize socializing and interacting with other players in the game. In Star Citizen, this often means joining a guild or organization and participating in group activities like mining, trading, or exploring. Social gamers are motivated by the opportunity to make friends and build relationships with other players, as well as by the sense of camaraderie that comes from working together towards a common goal.
5. Roleplayers
Roleplayers are players who enjoy immersing themselves in the game's story and lore, often by creating detailed backstories for their characters and engaging in in-game roleplaying with other players. In Star Citizen, roleplayers may create their own organizations with their own lore and history, or they may join existing organizations that align with their character's values and beliefs. Roleplayers are often motivated by the opportunity to create their own unique story within the game's universe. Many roleplayers even do this solo, talking to players through proximity comms around the universe acting as soothsayers or bards.
6. Solo Gamers
Solo gamers are players who prefer to play alone and may not be interested in joining groups or participating in multiplayer activities. In Star Citizen, solo gamers may focus on completing solo missions or exploring the game's universe at their own pace. They may also enjoy testing their skills against AI opponents in combat or racing events.
Solo players in Star Citizen can either choose to stay away from others entirely or play alone competitively against others.
Professions in Star Citizen catering well to solo players:
- Bounty Hunting
- Racing
- Mining
- Trading
- Scripted Missions
- Exploration
- Salvage
7. PVP Players
PVP players are players who enjoy engaging in competitive battles against other players. In Star Citizen, this often means participating in PVP events like Arena Commander, where players can test their combat skills against each other in simulated dogfights. PVP players are often motivated by the challenge of outmaneuvering and outgunning other players, as well as by the opportunity to show off their skills in front of a live audience.
For the Persistent Universe PVP players represent a significant part of the Star Citizen community even though most players shy from PVP. The Star Citizen Universe offers an epic gaming experience for PVPers who enjoy space sim combat.
8. PVE Players
PVE players are players who prefer to focus on the game's story and completing quests and missions against non-player enemies. In Star Citizen, this often means engaging in combat against AI opponents, such as pirate ships or hostile alien races. PVE players are often motivated by the sense of adventure and excitement that comes from exploring the game's universe and uncovering its secrets.
Most players in Star Citizen are PVE players. Playing the game solo or with friends against the AI opponents and other dangers space has to offer, seeking rewards in terms of economic, loot or accomplishment.
In conclusion, Star Citizen is a game that offers something for everyone, regardless of their play preference or how much time they can dedicate.