If you're buying the game Star Citizen your game package will come with a set number of in game credits known as United Earth Credits - UEC.

Get 5000 UEC Free When Creating A Star Citizen Account using this Referral Code:

Important Requirement For The Referral Bonus

To qualify as a referral you must spend $40 or more. Sometimes a year CIG / RSI releases discounted starter packs for $35. If your package is gifted or you bought a discounted pack for less than $40 you will not count as a referral nor will you receive the referral bonus. A game package must be purchased for the referral bonus to qualify (Official Referral Program FAQ).

This page has details about the Star Citizen Referral Program. It provides a code that will work in case you do not have one so that you can qualify for referral bonuses when you create your Star Citizen account.

Alpha UEC Starting Amounts <- Important

The extra referral bonus 5000 aUEC is a great boost to be able to buy weapons, armor, supplies, and even potential fines for new players starting closer to release. Make sure you use a code to get the free 5000 credits to your account in Star Citizen.

During the Star Citizen Alpha player’s balances can be reset (see article on Star Citizen Resets for more info on wipes).

Your UEC account balance might not be the same as your Alpha Star Citizen in game balance.

How to add the referral code for Star Citizen

There are two ways you can add the referral code when setting up your Star Citizen account:

  1. Click on this referral code link to automatically fill in the referral code on the signup page for you.
  2. Fill in the code manually when creating an account. See the image and steps below.

Where to add your referral code when purchasing Star Citizen

Be sure to enter the referral code on the Enlist page at RSI and use the referral code: STAR-TP53-FCKS to earn an additional 5,000 free UEC when you purchase a game package for the first time.

It can be hard to see where to add the referral code during the enlistment process. Look for Referral Code section at the bottom and click in the box to add the code.

Look at the images to see where to add the code.

*Note: If you do not enter a referral code you will not be eligible for the free 5000 UEC signup bonus at a later date.

Starting In Game Money (UEC)

Game PackageStarting HangarInsuranceUEC Without Referral CodeUEC With Referral Code
Aurora Starter PackSelf Land Hangar3 Monrhs1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
Mustang Starter PackSelf Land Hangar3 Monrhs1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
Anvil C8X PiscesSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
Syulen Starter PackSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
100i Starter PackSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
Arrow Starter PackSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
NomadSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
CutterSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
Avenger TitanSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
IntrepidSelf Land Hangar6 Months1,000 UEC6,000 UEC
FreelancerVFG Industrial Hangar6 Months5,000 UEC11,000 UEC
Cutlass BlackAeroview Hangar6 Months1,0000 UEC6,000 UEC
Constellation Andromeda Revel & York Hangar6 Months10,000 UEC15,000 UEC

The table above shows the total starting amount players will start out having both with and without using the referral code. The referral bonus grants 5000 UEC bonus to the amount that comes with the game package.

This information is for when the game is released and the in-game currency persists. During Alpha the game package UEC IS NOT the Alpha starting balance. You will have some Alpha Starting Balance plus your referral bonus aUEC.

This means that by using the referral code: STAR-TP53-FCKS you get significantly more United Earth Credits when creating your account.

If you're thinking of purchasing Star Citizen then you can enter the referral code during the purchase process to get the extra credits.

Star Citizen New Backer Checklist

Key points before you back Star Citizen

  • The game will probably take at least several more years to make
  • Alpha testing can be a very rough play testing experience
  • System requirements might get steeper
  • You only need to buy the cheapest starter pack

This game has no monthly fees and all the game packages (from Aurora MR to Constellation) grant access to the same content in game. The difference being the starting ship, items contained in the package and the starting in game currency amounts - UEC. The referral code grants significant more amounts of UEC and is a great starting boost for all the packages.

Frequently Asked Questions About Backing Star Citizen

Can I refund the game if I do not like it?

Yes. Within 30 days Star Citizen can be refunded. See the official refund policy here.

When Do I Receive My Referral Bonus Reward?

Your referral bonus will be attributed after a period of time after payment clears and the current bonus period ends. This varies from a days to weeks depending on when you purchase and what bonus is being rewarded. The referral bonus will take some time to show up in your account so it is important to remember that the it is not attributed instantly when creating an account and could take up to a month to appear in your account.

Is Star Citizen Playable?

Star Citizen is currently in Alpha open development for backers. This means that it is in heavy development. Star Citizen Alpha is very unstable and player progress can be reset. Players looking for a game that can be played with minimal issues should not play Star Citizen. The project is currently for backers to test and provide feedback and contribute to the game they want made. There are frequent free fly events throughout the year when anyone can try Star Citizen for free.

What is there to do in Star Citizen now?

Currently Star Citizen offers two simulated universes that you can play today:

  • Star Citizen Persistent Universe - A universe with two solar systems and up to 600 players where you can do whatever you want and earn AlphaUEC currency to buy equipment, components, vehicles and ships.
  • Arena Commander - A simulated universe within Star Citizen for testing combat without risking your things in Star Citizen. Earn Rental Equipment credits to unlock more stuff.

When will Star Citizen Release?

Star Citizen is currently considered to be a live release product. Star Citizen 1.0 is the version of Star Citizen that will be considered launch ready and will include 5 planets, all main professions and a main quest story line. Star Citizen 1.0 will also be a polished experience without all the technical difficulties associated with the Star Citizen Alpha series. Essentially Star Citizen 1.0 is the first version of Star Citizen ready for public play and will drop the Alpha label.

At SCFOCUS we track completion over the course of nearly a decade. Our current estimates place feature completion for the original vision sometime after 2026 and closer to 2030.

So while you can play Star Citizen today, what you are playing is a reduced version of what is to come.

Can I Play Star Citizen Solo?

Yes. Star Citizen is an online multiplayer game which means that you can play solo like many people. Most players at SC FOCUS organization also play solo a lot of the time. Star Citizen orgs can enhance the online experience. For difficult events it teaming up is the best way to guarantee success.

What Star Systems are planned for Star Citizen?

Currently there are two systems available: Stanton and Pyro but the game has 100s of planned Star Systems.

Estimated upcoming systems to be added to Star Citizen:

  • Nyx
  • Castra (After Nyx)
  • Terra (After Castra)

Can I Earn Permanent Things In Game?

Yes. Even though the game is in development, there are many events and opportunities for players to permanently earn things in game such as helmets, armor, items, and more!

Why Is Star Citizen Taking So Long To Make?

Because quality takes time. Just look at what is currently already playable.

What is a Forever Game?

Star Citizen was announced at Citizencon 2024 to be a Forever game. This means that there will not be a Star Citizen 2. Work will continue on Star Citizen after launch to keep ever improving graphics, content and more.

What is Squadron 42?

Squadron 42 is a single player game that no longer comes bundled with Star Citizen and that will release before Star Citizen is complete.