Gamplay Suggestions For CIG – Revisited One Year Later

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Update March 6th 2025

There is a community post from CIG where players can list the most game breaking bugs available here.

Gameplay Suggestions For Star Citizen To CIG Revisited in 2025

Last year February SCFOCUS org and affiliates contributed to an article suggesting features to CIG. This article goes over those suggestions and we look at what made it into the game and what did not. Please note that we are aware that some of our requested features may not even be planned or may be confirmed internally to not be planned, however, it is still fun to look back.

Caveat: We are also aware that changes in the game are unrelated to this list. No one believes that someone at CIG read this list and made any changes to the game. This does not stop us from making suggestions and then checking to see how the things we want to see in the game are coming along.

Read the Original

Last year's suggestions can be found here.

Ship & Vehicle Selling In Game

This highly requested feature did not make it into the game in the past 12 months. Might we see it soon? Even that is unknown. This remains nowhere on the roadmap or mentioned to our knowledge.

Secondhand Item and Ship Shops

A wild request, probably not planned, definitely did not make it into the game in the last 12 months.

Better Integrated Voice and Text Communications

I know right? What were we thinking! However, in-game chat is working better and party markers are fixed as of the time of writing this article.

New Starmap

We got it but it was just like the old Starmap?

Working NPC Bunkers

Significant progress was made on NPC behavior and responsiveness. This feature did need urgent attention and it appears that with server meshing significant improvements in NPCs were made. Bravo.

Cargo Hauling - Cargo Running

Kind of the opposite to the suggestion happened. Instead of players being able to make more money without scripted missions the scripted missions are now paying far more than before and you can combine them with commodity trading to make even more. This does indicate a strong preference (priority) to scripted missions continues and is the course heading.

Resupply / In-game Economy

With the economy more dynamic and the scripted missions in a more integrated state, the supply / demand and the resulting emergent gameplay seems to be headed in a great direction. The original suggestion stands, that in-game missions should dynamically spawn based on activity. For example, a player crashes his ship and the game would spawn a salvage mission for other players (or eventually another NPC to accept). This already has been in the game for a while for things like Comm Arrays and bounties, but it would be nice to see it fully integrated in all areas.

Insurance Claim Delivery Cost & Time

Related to the previous suggestion, claiming ships should require people to bring the ship as per the original ISO pilot spec. This is the type of feature that could be after Star Citizen 1.0.

Ability to Stack All Items of The Same Kind

This one seems to be at least partly implemented. General inventory and freight is still being built out so Star Citizen is expected to continue to see positive changes with playability.

Mass Drop / Throw Away

The freight elevator that was implemented in the last 12 months enables players to dispose of a lot of stuff (assuming the hangar is not the personal hangar). Again, it is worth mentioning these playability systems are work in progress and it certainly feels so.

Sell All Button

This one did not make it. Buying and selling systems still need to be completed.

Leaving Scanned Objects Highlighted

Another feature request that did make it during the past 12 months. After scanning, objects now do, stay highlighted for some time. Very helpful indeed!


A surprising number of the suggestions appear to have made it into the game in a year. Other suggestions, on the other hand, seem to be as far away as ever. Since the original suggestions the game has evolved significantly and the immediate future contains a lot of plans for playability and bug fixing.

As the game continues to take shape it is interesting to see how much of the game matches expectations and speculations that players have.