Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 Key Bindings | Commands | Controls

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Useful Controls For Star Citizen Alpha 3.0

For Star Citizen Alpha 3.0 controls and key bindings have changed significantly since 2.6.3. Alpha 3.0 brings planetary landing (on moons) as well as significant changes to the flight model.

All controls and key settings can be found in game by accessing your options menu and looking for the Key Bindings tab.

SC 3.0 Easy To Print Controls and Keyboard & Mouse Layouts by Baior (CIG)

Easy to read keybindings from Baior of Red on Spectrum.

SC 3.0 Easy To Print Controls and Keyboard & Mouse Layouts by hstaphath (reddit)

Controls for Alpha 3.0 by TomNeverwinter (reddit)

Some of the change highlights this patch are:

  • Changes to Afterburner
  • Inner though system added ("F" to interact)
  • Ship Startup Sequence (F5) added
  • Quantum Travel via Starmap in Mobiglas (F1)
  • Quantum Travel Jump (after selecting in Mobiglas) (Hold B)


3.0 Patch Notes Here

General Controls for Star Citizen 3.0

Pause / Options - ESC

Mobiglas - F1

Cycle Camera (1st person view 3rd person view) – F4 -> Full List of Camera Controls

Contacts List - F11

Chat - F12

Console - ~ (TILDE)

Activate Chat - Enter

Chat Cursor – RIGHT ALT + /

Accept Invite - [

Reject Invite - ]

Depth of Field Increase - HOME (New in 3.0)

Dept of Field Decrease - END (New in 3.0)

Z Offset Positive - PAGEUP (New in 3.0)

Z Offset Negative - PAGEDOWN (New in 3.0)

On Foot Controls For Star Citizen Alpha 3.0

Cycle Camera (1st person view 3rd person view) – F4 -> Full List of Camera Controls

Interact Mode (inner though / inspect) - F (HOLD)

Freelook Active - Z (3rd person only)

Scoreboard - F1 (Mobiglas) - (Changed from F9 previously)


Scan Mode - TAB

Scan Active Ping - TAB (HOLD)

Wield Sidearm – 1 (Number 1 on the keyboard)

Wield Primary Weapon - 2 (Number 2 on the keyboard)

Wield Secondary Weapon - 3 (Number 3 on the keyboard)

Select Item - 4 (Number 3 on the keyboard)

Cycle Item - G (New in 3.0)

Use Item - G (HOLD)

Heal With Medpen - V


Hold Breath (Aiming down sites) - LEFT SHIFT(HOLD)

Change Weapon Fire Mode - C

Turn on Suit Light / Flashlight – T

Reload - R

Holster Weapon - C (Changed from HOLD R)

Weapon Stance - B

Walk / Jog - Scroll Mousewheel (New in 3.0)

2D UI Cursor - /

Crouch - LEFT CTRL

Prone - X


COMBAT EMOTES IN Star Citizen Alpha 3.0

“In addition to everything else that comes with Star Marine, we have also implemented some basic combat signals to the keypad of the keyboard for Star Marine. These will broadcast at a much shorter range then a chat message or emote normally would, and allow players who are not in voice chat to convey very basic strategy to each other.” - From the Patch Notes

/left - Keypad 1

/stop – Keypad 2

/right – Keypad 3

/yes – Keypad 4

/forward – Keypad 5

EVA Controls For Star Citizen Alpha 3.0

Boost: SHIFT


Strafe Down: CTRL

Roll Left: Q

Roll Right: E

Strafe Left: A

Strafe Right: D

Yaw Left: LEFT ALT + A

Yaw Right: RIGHT ALT + D

Freelook: Z

Brake: X

In Flight Commands For Star Citizen Alpha 3.0

Mobiglas / Scoreboard - F1

Flight / Systems Ready Toggle - F5 (New in 3.0)

Power Toggle - F6 (New in 3.0)

Open / Close All Doors Toggle - F7 (New in 3.0)

Lock / Unlock All Doors Toggle - F8 (New in 3.0)

MFD Screen Up (when in free look) - W

Hud Screen Right (when in free look) - D

Hud Left Option (when in free look) - A

Hud Down Option (when in free look) - S

Landing Target Lock On - F

Exit Seat - F (LONG HOLD)

Quantum Travel / Jump - B (HOLD) - Select Destination in Mobiglas First (New in 3.0)

Camera Mode - F4

Look Behind (while in Camera Mode) - LEFT ALT + Z

Freelook Toggle - Z

Freelook: Z (HOLD)

Scoreboard - F9

Power To Weapons - 1

Power to Shields - 2

Power to Avionics - 3

Cycle Weapon Groups - 4

Shields - 5

Thrusters - 6

Reset Power Distribution - 0

Ship Self Destruct: RIGHT ALT + BACKSPACE (HOLD)

Throttle Max Min Toggle: Backspace

Scan Mode - TAB

Scan Active Ping - TAB (HOLD)

Throttle Up: W

Throttle Down: S

Strafe Left - A (Previously Q)

Strafe Right - D (Previously E)

Strafe Up - SPACEBAR

Strafe Down - LEFT CTRL

Strafe Forward - LEFT ALT + W

Strafe Backward - LEFT ALT + S

Roll Left - Q (Previously A)

Roll Right - E (Previously D)

Swap Roll / Yaw - RIGHT ALT + .

Reticle Focus - R

Target Nearest Hostile - T

Cycle Hostiles - Y

Cycle Hostiles Reverse Order: H

Cycle Friendlies - U

Cycle Friendlies Reverse Order: J

Cycle All - I

Cycle Pinned - O

Cycle Pinned Reverse Order - L

Pin Target - P

Landing Lock On - F

Cycle Countermeasures: G

Launch Countermeasures: G (HOLD)

Gimbal Lock - RIGHT ALT + J



Space Break - X

Respawn - X

Decoupled Mode Toggle - C

Cycle IFCS Flight Mode - Left ALT + V

Landing Mode Toggle - N

Automatic Landing - N (HOLD)

Match Velocity Toggle: M

Look Ahead - RIGHT ALT + M

Cycle Radar Range - ,

Mouse Move Mode - RIGHT ALT + ,

PIB - .

2D UI Cursor - RIGHT ALT + /

Cycle Mouse Aim Mode - RIGHT SHIFT

Toggle Lights - LEFT ALT + T

Exit Pilot Seat - TAP AND THEN HOLD F (*Possibly LONG HOLD F)



Changes to afterburner

There is now a single afterburner with the ability to achieve higher top velocity under certain conditions, giving us AB SCM and AB Cruise with the only distinction being two different speeds.

You can only enter AB Cruise if your flight path is a straight, forward line. Otherwise you’re limited to AB SCM, i.e. while maneuvering/strafing.

Once in AB Cruise you can release the afterburner key and go into an AB idle mode to maintain your current speed. Throttle setting and y-axis strafe level allows incremental speeds, but you will decelerate if you change your vector.

If you continue to hold AB and maneuver, you drop to AB SCM speed until you return to straight-line flight. AB Idle holds your current velocity as long as you’re not maneuvering and decoupled rotation is allowed while in AB idle.

Sources and references

Header and featured images from:

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