Page last updated: 24 October 2024

Star Citizen Alpha Tools & Resources

Whenever useful resources are found around the web relating to Star Citizen they will be added to this Star Citizen resources page. A collection of some rare and very important Star Citizen tools and resources. This list is compiled completely for free to resources that are useful for Star Citizen. Every tool on this list is free to use, just like this website. If any of these tools or resources become paid in the future they will be removed from this page.

Other Star Citizen Resource Collections

Star Citizen Tools offer a far more complete and easier to read resource list than this page. If you cannot find what you are looking for please check their site. - Similar to this page but in far more complete.

Alpha 3.24 Resources

Alpha 3.24 Key Bindings and Controls

SCFOCUS Key Bindings for Star Citizen - Our very own curated key bindings and changes for Alpha 3.24.

Star Citizen DPS Calculators

Star Citizen DPS Calculators. Ship and weapon stats and damage simulators. Compare ship loadouts.

Star Citizen Characters

A fun project where users can put their Star Citizen character creations from the 3.23 beautiful character creator.

Star Citizen Salvage Guide

Alpha 3.22 Resources

Item Finders Alpha 3.24

Internationalization available from 3.20

It is now possible to internationalize the language in Star Citizen. This community driven project aims to translate Star Citizen.
Please visit the project's Github here:

Star Citizen Wiki provides up to date information on many Star Citizen types of intel such as:

  • Planet locations
  • Secret locations
  • Original and current ship sale prices
  • Item information
  • History
  • And more...

Star Citizen Trading Apps

Alpha Trading

Note that none of the apps show buying / selling supply / demand.

Please test to make sure these apps are working for the latest Alpha build.


Star Citizen Alpha Mining Guides

In Game Ship Sales & Rental Prices

GamerByNight Ship Prices - Also shows real world prices next to in game ship and vehicle prices. - Erkul also has a very useful ship loadout builder.

Ship Information - - Your database for all information about ships. Mobile and PC friendly. Many ship pictures. Great site.

General Star Citizen Tools, Resources and Relevant Sites

Maps of the Galaxy

Maps of the Star Citizen Universe

Ark Starmap (Official)

SCFOCUS list of Fan Made Transit Maps

Ship Size Comparison Chart 2023

Great work by reddit user starjump_dagger for compiling a new Ship Scale comparison.

Build Your Fleet in Images!

Two apps to build your fleet images: - To add your fleet and generate an image use the Fleetviewer. (Verification required) - Great app to track and manage your fleet. Great for orgs to use. - The original fleet viewer app.

Enhance your RSI Hangar - HangarXPLOR

A Chrome extension that upgrades the User Interface of the Star Citizen hangar page.

CCU Apps (Verification required) - Plan your CCUs with this beautiful app. - Stardust CCU App

Star Citizen Gaming Screenshots: Mr. Hasgaha

Stunning Star Citizen in-game screenshots by the amazing Mr. Hasgaha. Available on

Star Citizen GIF & Meme Collection

Props to Grag for hosting a Star Citizen GIF and meme collection.

Star Citizen Guild / Clan / Org - Grouping Resources

Resources that make grouping easier or that help players coordinate.


Teamspeak - Probably still the best tool for hierarchical organization communication and coordination.

Discord - Stay connected and voice chat

Star Citizen Bots

Zephyrbot - A Star Citizen Discord Bot

Star Citizen Alpha Account Balance Reset History

Next Estimated Wipe - Unknown
Alpha 4.1 - March 28 2025. Partial Wipe
Alpha 4.0.2 - February 28 2025. Partial Wipe
Alpha 4.0 - December 20 2024. Full Wipe
Alpha 3.24.3 - November 20 2024. No LTP or balance wipe (19 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.24.2a - November 5 2024. No LTP or balance wipe. (19 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.24.2 - October 19 2024. No LTP or balance wipe. (18 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.24.1 - September 13 2024. No LTP or balance wipe. (17 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.24 - August 27 2024. No LTP or balance wipe. (16 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.23 - May 10 2024. No LTP wipe. Balance and some reputation. (13 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.22.1 - February 22 2024. No LTP wipe (10 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.22.0a - January 25 2024. No LTP wipe (9 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.22 - December 14 2023. No LTP wipe (8 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.21.1 - November 19 2023. No LTP wipe (7 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.21 - October 19 2023. No LTP wipe. (6 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.20 - September 19 2023. No LTP wipe. (5 months without wipe)
Alpha 3.19.1 - June 15th 2023. Only some ships and items were wiped. Not balance or reputation. (2 months since last wipe)
Alpha 3.19 - May 16th 2023. No Wipe (1 month since last wipe)
Alpha 3.18.2 - April 21st 2023. Partial wipe. Item wipe only (1 week since last wipe)
Alpha 3.18.1 - April 12th 2023. Full item, reputation and balance wipe (1 month since last wipe)
Alpha 3.18 - March 10th 2023. Full item, reputation and balance wipe. (7 months since last wipe)
Alpha 3.17.2 - July 28th 2022. Balance and item wipe but not reputation. (8 months since last wipe)
Alpha 3.17 - April 29th 2022 (No wipe). 5 months since previous reset.
Alpha 3.16 - December 22nd 2021 (No wipe). 1 month since previous reset.
Alpha 3.15 - November 10th 2021. Full account and reputation wipe. (2 years since previous grind reset)
Alpha 3.14 - August 6th 2021 (No wipe). Players kept aUEC and most purchased ships and items. Closing in on 2 years without a balance reset.
Alpha 3.13 - April 22nd 2021 (No wipe). Players kept aUEC and most purchased ships and items. One year and 3 months without a balance reset.
Alpha 3.12 - December 16th 2020 (No wipe). Players kept aUEC and most purchased ships and items. Almost a year without balance reset
Alpha 3.11 - October 8th 2020 (No wipe). Players kept aUEC and most purchased ships and items. 10 months without balance reset.
Alpha 3.10 - August 6th 2020 (No wipe). Players kept aUEC and some purchased ships and items. 7 months without balance reset.
Alpha 3.9 - April 29th 2020 (No wipe). Players kept aUEC and purchased ships and items. This marks 3 months without balance reset.
**Next Estimated Wipe - February 2020 Alpha 3.8.2 (2-4 weeks grind estimated) - This wipe did not happen due to the 1st iteration of Persistence
Alpha 3.8.1 - January 24th 2020 (4 weeks grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.8* - December 23rd 2019 (2 months grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.7.1 - October 26th 2019 (2 weeks grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.7 - October 11th 2019 (5 weeks grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.6.2 - September 6th 2019 (4 weeks grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.6.1 - 8th August 2019 (3 weeks grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.6 - 19th July 201 (6 weeks grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.5.1 - 3rd June 2019 (6 weeks grind from previous reset)
Alpha 3.5 - 18th April 2019 (3 months grind from previous reset)
* Note for Alpha 3.8 - This patch brought in new starting money rules effectively reducing what playtesters start with each patch. Additionally, an interim patch, Alpha 3.7.2 did not have a balance rest.

**Star Citizen Alpha 3.8.2 introduced the first implementation of persistence. Player account resets will happen more sporadically going forward.

Star Citizen Telemetry Data

Finally an official tool where testers can check their system specifications and compare them with others. Wonder no more about where your rig will lie in terms of the FPS playing field.

Official Star Citizen Telemetry Data

Star Citizen & Squadron 42 Feature Completion Tracker - FOCUS

Star Citizen & Squadron 42 Feature Completion Tracker - Our very own method of tracking progress for both games


ShinyTracker Star Citizen Roadmap modified for a better searchable and browsing experience.

RSI Companion

Google Chrome App (also for Firefox but SC FOCUS could not get that version working).

RSI Companion

This Star Citizen Web Browser App allows you to:

Spectrum: Show CIG threads and notification (on threads replies but also new chat message or friend invite)
Ships: View and search ships and shows an overview of your hanger and your In-Game ships (including loaners)
Buy Back: View and Search all your buy back pledges in one place
Contacts: Manage your contacts and copy them over to the PTU
Organizations: View and follow organization members
Roadmap: View the latest info on the roadmaps for Star Citizen & Squadron 42 (including difference from previous week)
Comm-Link: Get the latest news from RSI website

In order to use the application, you need to have an RSI account and be connected on RSI website.


Star Citizen Spectrum Badges (Tiles)

Star Citizen offers permanent rewards of various kinds even during Star Citizen Alpha. One of these reward types are player badges (also called Tiles) that can be earned in various ways both in and out of the game. These badges are displayed on your public RSI profile and players can select which one to show.

A complete list of Tiles can be found at

Star Citizen API

Unofficial Star Citizen API to pull game data. Both a live and cached version is available.

Extracting Game Files

Python Framework for SC Data - SC Modding Community (Original source Reddit)

Star Citizen Ship Loaner Matrix

Bought a ship that isn't out yet or doesn't work? Check what Loaner Ships you have. Official Star Citizen Loaner Matrix.


ATMO Esports ( offers next level competitive gaming for Star Citizens.

Compete in combat, racing, battle royale and more.

Star Citizen Racing Leagues

Stanton7 -

ANZIA Racing

Racing with different modes such as large ships or duo, made by the community.

ANZIA Racing Trailer

XGR Racing League

XGR Racing League

Extreme G Racing – The Premiere Star Citizen Racing Hub (

Star Citizen Racing League

Daymar Rally 2952 (2022)

The Daymar Rally is an epic, grueling and annual event that takes place on one of the moons around Crusader in Stanton system. Who will win this year? -

Event date: 15 February 2022

Star Citizen Games

List of mini-games and other Star Citizen themed games.

Epic Verse Adventures - A web Star Citizen trivia game where you will need to learn the lore to succeed.

Organization Stats - - Quickly and simply browse org statistics. View top orgs by growth or membership. Filter orgs by type. This is a useful tool for anyone looking for fast and easy Star Citizen org info.

List of useful Youtube resources for Star Citizen

Morphologis - An architect reviews Star Citizen.

TheNoobifier1337 - Excellent videos about Star Citizen.

RSI - Official Star Citizen Channel.

BoredGamer - Lots of great videos about ships, updates and how-tos.

Terallian - Fan made Star Citizen machinima, videos, short movies and ship designs. Update: Terallian has been hired by CIG so perhaps the channel may go away.

Tactical Advance - Star Citizen guides & videos.

Star Citizen Fan Made Music

Utho Riley - Legendary Star Citizen Music. This talented musician has been composing one fan song for Star Citizen every week for years. An absolute must see!

Mod Tools for Star Citizen

Mod tools that have been found for Star Citizen. Please take care as SCFOCUS make no attempt to check if the Mod can break the game or be considered as cheating. Use at your own risk and do your own research carefully.

Couch Citizen - Controller Config for Star Citizen Alpha 3.17

Reshade - Change how your Star Citizen looks - night vision can be "modded".

Testing Resources

PTU testing Wave FAQ (Official) - Find out which wave you are in if you are concierge. For Alpha 3.20 CIG changed how PTU wave access works.

Fan Kit from RSI

RSI provide a Fan Kit with the Star Citizen Font and Logos. See the Fan Kit page here (This Fan Kit has since been replaced with the one below):

The original Fan Kit included:

  • High-Res Moscow Concept Wallpaper (rescalable)
  • High-Res Tyrol Concept Wallpaper (rescalable)
  • 4 Squadron 42 Wallpapers
  • Aurora Brochure
  • Jump Point Issue #1
  • RSI Logos in color and b/w
  • Squadron 42 logo
  • Star Citizen Logo
  • Orbitron font

Fankit / Fandom - Official!

RSI now provide a new Fankit Fandom for players (must log in to access) -

Jump Point Magazine Collections

List of mirrors where you can find the Jump Point Magazine historical PDFs.

Pastebin Jump Point Magazine Links to RSI

Star Citizen Ship Buying & Selling

Space Foundry - Great place to buy and sell Star Citizen ships

Star Hangar - Buy and sell Star Citizen ships and accounts

SCK Ships - Buy and sell Star Citizen ships and accounts

Reddit Star Citizen Trades - The original place to buy ships, accounts and flair

Spaceport Depot - A new direct-sale store.


Scam Warnings

Show off your fleet

Star Citizen In-Game Item Resellers

Buy in game items from players with aUEC:

SC Black Market -

Star Citizen Lore & History

Galactic Historian (YouTube link)

Epic work by TheAstroPub on a series for Star Citizen history and lore buffs.

Star Citizen Text Query

Find anything mentioned by CIG in the Star Citizen Youtube channel.

Star Citizen Podcasts & Shows

Our compiled list of Star Citizen Podcasts and Shows -

Bar Citizen

Have a drink with fellow Star Citizens from around the world in real life. This site has a map where you can find the nearest Bar Citizen to you.

Star Citizen Live Background

Star Citizen Beginner Guides & Resources

Star Citizen News