What is the best ship in Star Citizen?

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Best Ships in Star Citizen By Class 2025

Want to know what the best Star Citizen ships are? Star Citizen is a universe of a game - literally - as such, the intricacies of the different ships are very complex and most of the time there simply is not a best ship - certainly not a meta ship that beats every other ship in every category.

We have analyzed the ships that have come out for concept sale based on general categories that we have deemed to be linked to primary professions. Here are our winners and runners up for each category...

Best Snub Ships in Star Citizen

Snub ships are small and cannot independently travel between systems.

Best Snub Fighter in Star Citizen

Winner: Kruger P-72 Archimedes

Runner up: Mirai Fury

Reason: While the Mirai Fury is smaller and has more firepower, the P-72 should win with maneuverability and toughness.




Best Snub Fighter in Star Citizen

Best Snub Cargo Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Argo MPUV Tractor

Runner up: 135C

Reason: The MPUV Tractor variant features a cargo grid and two tractor beams. The Origin 135C is a very small ship, could be classed as a snub and can be used for bed login/out.




Best Snub Cargo Ship in Star Citizen

Best Snub Exploration Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Anvil C8R Pisces

Runner up: Origin 100i

Reason: The Pisces is a very capable snub* exploration ship which also includes a quantum drive (and can be fitted with a jump drive). The ability to be able to heal on your away trip and carry some things back make this an ideal exploration snub.

*While technically not a snub due to the quantum and jump drive, the Pisces is so small it is being listed under this category for this article due to landing pad size.




Best Snub Explorer in Star Citizen

Best Snub Racing Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Kruger P72 Archimedes

Runner up: Kruger P52-Merlin

Reason: The P-72 Archimedes is currently labelled as having 2 TR3 engines with a mass of just 8,290 kg (18,276 lbs). This makes is currently listed as potentially the fastest snub.




Best Snub Racer in Star Citizen

Best Single Seater Starter Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Tie Mustang Alpha & Aurora MR

Runner up: Origin 100i

Reason: The Mustang Alpha is sleeker and faster and gives an additional $5 when you upgrade but the Aurora MR is a tough ship with better all-round capabilities and a fan favorite. Read our Aurora MR vs Mustang Alpha comparison.

The 100i is a new competitor to the starters and is an XXS ship capable of being spawned on outpost vehicle bays.




Mustang Alpha Best Starter Ship in Star Citizen
Aurora ES Best Starter Ship in Star Citizen

Best Single Seater Light Fighter Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Aegis Gladius

Runner up: Anvil Arrow

Reason: The Gladius is slightly more capable with slightly better armament and dual engines, however, the best of the two will be determined with the new flight model and this category will be updated. Read more about the newly released Anvil Arrow.




Aegis Gladuis Best Light Fighter Star Citizen

Best Single Seater Fighter Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: F8C Lightning

Runner up: F7A Mk II

Reason: F8C Lightning is an exclusive heavy fighter that had a strong debut.




Super Hornet

Best Single Seater Bomber Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Aegis Eclipse

Runner up: A1 Spirit

Reason: The Eclipse is a powerful single seater dedicated bomber.




Aegis Eclipse - Best Single Seater Bomber

Best Single Seater Missile Boat in Star Citizen

Winner: Aegis Sabre Firebird

Runner up: Talon Shrike

Reason: The Aegis Sabre Firebird made a strong debut being able to simultaneously lock 6 size three missiles at once. The ship's design, firepower and abilities make it the top missile boat in Star Citizen.




Best Single Seater Cargo Hauling Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: MISC Hull B

Runner up: Hull A

Reason: Reason: When it comes to shipping cargo around the verse the Hull series packs the best value albeit at the sacrifice of defense capability.




Hull B Best Single Crew Cargo Ship

Best Single Crew Exploration Star Citizen Ship

Winner: Anvil Terrapin

Runner up: Origin 315p

Reason: Designed to be durable enough to penetrate enemy lines and with the scanners required to bring back essential military intel, the Anvil Terrapin is a single crew dedicated explorer.




315p Best Single Crew Exploration Ship in Star Citizen

Best Single Crew Mining Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Misc Prospector

Runner up: None

At the time of writing the Misc Prospector is the only mining single crew ship available. It might be possible to fit some mining equipment on some of the other ships but the exact specifications are unknown (in development).




Misc Prospector Best Single Crew Mining Ship in Star Citizen

Best Single Crew Salvage Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Drake Vulture

Runner up: None

At the time of writing the Drake Vulture is the only salvage single crew ship available.




Drake Vulture - Best Single Crew Salvage Ship in Star Citizen

Best Single Crew Refining Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: MISC Expanse

Runner up: None

At the time of writing the MISC Expanse is the only refining single crew ship available.




MISC Expanse - Refinery Single Crew

Best Single Crew Racing Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Origin M50

Reason: The M50 has consistently been the racing ship of choice in Arena Commander for several years.




Origin M50 Best Racer

Best Single Crew Vehicle Transport Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Nomad

Runner up: None

Reason: The Consolidated Outland Nomad is currently the best single crew vehicle carrier in the game.




Fastest Racing Ship in Star Citizen?

Best Single Crew Touring Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Origin 300i

Runner up: Mustang Beta

Reason: The 300i is a small yet luxurious ship with some cargo room as well as a decent defensive package for it's class. The Mustang Beta is designed to be a single-seater long distance explorer.




300i Best Single Crew Touring Ship in Star Citizen

Best Single Crew Tug Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: ARGO SRV

Runner up: None

Reason: The ARGO SRV is currently the only Tug / Ship Recovery ship in star Citizen.




ARGO SRV Best Single Crew Tug Ship in Star Citizen

Best Single Crew Ship - Winner

Winner: Aegis Avenger Titan

Reason: The Avenger Titan is the cargo variant of the Avenger series and this makes it a quick, powerful and spacious jack-of-all-trades ship. Read more about the Avenger.




Avenger Titan Best Single Crew Ship in Star Citizen

Best 2 Crew Starter Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Cutlass Black

Runner up: Freelancer Dur
Reason: Available at the time of writing, for 2 player crews, the game package options (that come with Star Citizen) are: MISC Reliant Kore, Drake Cutlass Black, Anvil Hornet F7C, MISC Freelancer and RSI Constellation Andromeda. Of these the best value 2 player crew ship would be the Cutlass Black due to its low operational costs and great flexibility. Read more in our Freelancer vs Cutlass article.




Cutlass Black - Best 2 Crew Starter Ship in Star Citizen

Best 2 Crew Fighter Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Scorpius

Runner up: Hurricane

Reason: The Scorpius offers devastating firepower and good maneuverability for a crew of 2.




Best 2 Crew Bombing Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: A1 Spirit

Runner up: Anvil Gladiator Bomber

Reason: The A1 Spirit can drop 10 bombs (5 at a time) even over a mountain and still hit the target.




Vanguard Harbinger Best 2 Crew Bomber Ship in Star Citizen

Best 2 Crew Cargo Hauling Ship in Star Citizen


Winner: MISC Hull C

Runner up: MISC Freelancer MAX

Reason: The Hull C is a powerful cargo hauler albeit without much defense. The Freelancer max won’t haul as much cargo but you have a better chance of of survival should things get scary.




Hull C - Best 2 Crew Cargo Hauling Ship in Star Citizen

Best 2 Crew Exploration Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Anvil Terrapin

Runner up: Reliant SEN

Reason: The Terrapin is a tough explorer that goes deep into the universe, or enemy territory if you prefer.




Terrapin - Best 2 Crew Exploration Ship in Star Citizen

Best 2 Crew Mining Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: None

There are currently no mining ships well suited for a crew of two.

Best 2 Crew Touring Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Reliant Kore

Runner up: Origin 85X

The Reliant Kore, while not a dedicated touring ship is currently the best 2 crew ship for touring. It has a beautiful cockpit view for both pilot and copilot and also features some cargo space. The Origin 85X is more luxurious and a true touring ship. However, the lack of cargo space relegates this ship to 2nd in this category. For small area reconnaissance the 85X is probably better.




Misc Reliant - Best 2 Crew Touring Ship in Star Citizen

Best 2 Crew Medical Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: RSI Apollo

Runner up: Cutlass Red

The RSI Apollo is a new addition to the medical profession and offers more medical facilities than the Cutlass Red. The Cutlass Red is more like an ambulance while the Apollo is a small medical clinic.




RSI Apollo - Best 2 Crew Medical Ship in Star Citizen

Best 2 Crew Ship In Star Citizen - Winner

Winner: Cutlass Black


The Cutlass Black is a tried and tested favorite for too many reasons to list here. Pirate or not it is hard to resist the Cutlass Black's appeal as it is perhaps the most versatile ship that Star Citizen might offer.




Cutlass Black - Best 2 Ship in Star Citizen - Winner

Best Multi Crew Starter

Winner: Constellation Andromeda

Runner up: Freelancer

Reason: The constellation Andromeda can bring a decent sized crew almost anywhere in the verse and return home safely. A multirole ship that is incredibly versatile and has a decent cargo hold.




RSI Constellation - Best Multicrew Starter

Best Multi Crew Combat Ship in Star Citizen

RSI Polaris

Reason: The RSI Polaris is a multi-crew experience that simulates a crewed spaceship experience of the future. Powerful guns, automated cannons, missiles and torpedoes allows the Polaris to destroy everything in its path.




Best Multi Crew Bombing Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Crusader A2 Hercules

Runner up: Aegis Retaliator Bomber

Reason: As of Alpha 3.15 the A2 Hercules introduces ground bombing. While the roles are now slightly different, the A2 can also carry vehicles.




Retaliator Bomber - Best Multi Crew Bomber in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Cargo Hauling Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Misc Hull E

Runner up: Banu Merchantman

Reason: For strictly cargo haulage the Misc Hull E (and D) carry the most but the Banu Merchantman is a sneaky trader that can double as a trading outpost.




Hull E - Best Multi Crew Cargo Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Mining Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: RSI Orion

Runner up: ARGO Mole

Reason: The Orion is a giant mining platform of a ship. The ARGO Mole (introduced in 2019) is a 4 crew mining vessel.




Orion - Best Multi Crew Mining Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Exploration Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Carrack

Runner up: MISC Odyssey

Reason: The Carrack is by design an impressive dedicated exploration ship that can hold its own while exploring hostile or dangerous space. The MISC Odyssey, while bigger and more multirole, is better suited at exploring relatively safe space.




Carrack - Best Multi Crew Exploration Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Repair Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Anvil Crucible

Runner up: Aegis Vulcan

Reason: The Crucible is a large multi crew dedicated repair ship. The Aegis Vulcan is smaller yet more versatile and designed to introduce players to the repair, refuel and rearm profession.




Crucible - Best Multi Crew Repair Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Salvage Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Aegis Reclaimer

Runner up: None

Reason: The Reclaimer stands tall as a large massive salvage spaceship. The reclaimer can scrape, fracture, and disintegrate ships and turn them into sellable or craftable commodities.




Reclaimer - Best Multi Crew Salvage Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Touring Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Origin 890 Jump

Runner up: Origin 600i

Reason: The 890 Jump represents the most exclusive and luxurious ship in the galaxy. Boasting an exotic range of defensive capabilities, a luxuriously stylish snub fighter (X85) and all the comforts of a luxury yacht this ship can be considered the superyacht of space.




890 Jump - Best Multi Crew Touring Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Support Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Hercules Starlifter

Runner up: Liberator

Reason: The Starlifter variants offer a variety of large scale support operations.




Hercules Starlifter - Best Multi Crew Support Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Vehicle Transport Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Anvil Liberator

Runner up: Drake Ironclad Assault

Reason: Both these ships are somewhat similar with the Ironclad being able to offer more facilities while the Liberator seems to be able to carry more in terms of ships. This could easily be a tie.




Anvil Liberator - Best Multi Crew Vehicle Transport Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Dropship in Star Citizen

Winner: Anvil Valkyrie

Runner up: Cutlass Steel

Reason: The Valkyrie seems more survivable and offers better crew accommodation.




Anvil Valkyrie - Best Multi Crew Drop Ship in Star Citizen

Best Multi Crew Gunship in Star Citizen

Winner: RSI Polaris

Runner up: Constellation Andromeda

Reason: The Polaris is equipped with dual cannons that are sure to stop almost anything flyable as well as multiple turrets for medium and light targets.




Best Capital Class Ship in Star Citizen

Winner: Aegis Javelin - Class Destroyer

Runner up: Aegis Idris (P & M)

Reason: The Javelin is the largest and greatest ship that can be bought by players at this time. Also it is the most expensive digital ship ever sold.




Javelin - Best Ship In Star Citizen?

Best Capital Class Base Builder

Winner: CNOU Pioneer

Runner up: None

Reason: The Consolidated Outland Pioneer is a dedicated outpost construction and transportation facility.




CNOU Pioneer - Base Building

Best Capital Class Medical

Winner: MISC Endeavor

Runner up: None

Reason: The Endeavor Hope Class is a dedicated medical space hospital capable of providing the most advanced medical treatment.




Endeavor Best Capital Medical Ship

Best Capital Class Exploration

Winner: MISC Endeavor

Runner up: None

Reason: The Endeavor is a highly versatile capital end-game ship and the exploration configuration with things like the Telescope and detaching exploration module make it a space exploration base of operations.




Endeavor Best Capital Exploration Ship

Best Capital Class Transport

Winner: Drake Kraken

Runner up: None

Reason: Want to transport a fleet across the galaxy? Look no further.




Kraken Best Capital Class Transport

Best Starter Money Making Ship

Winner: Avenger Titan

Runner up: None

Reason: The Avenger Titan offers great versatility compared with other starting ship options. It can perform a wide range of missions in Alpha from combat to cargo. A reliable money maker for beginners.




Best Starter Money Making Starter Ship

Best Combat Money Making Ship

Winner: Vanguard Warden

Runner up: None

Reason: The Vanguard Warden is a powerful long distance combat ship with room for cargo mission boxes.




Best Money Making Combat Ship

Best Medium Cargo Money Making Ship

Winner: Freelancer Max

Runner up: None

Reason: The Freelancer Max is a currently the medium ship that is capable of generating significant profits via hauling.




Best Medium Cargo Money Making Ship

Big Money Making

Winner: Aegis Reclaimer

Runner up: None

Reason: With the introduction of Salvage and the working Reclaimer let the money roll!




Most Popular Ships In Star Citizen

What is the most popular ship in Star Citizen?

RSI has posted the most popular ships of 2023:

Jumptown Certified Ships Q3 2024

The following ships have been certified Jumptown 2.1 worthy for Q3 2024 Jumptown season:

  • Aegis Firebird
  • Anvil F7A Hornet Mk II
  • Anvil F8C Lightning
  • Crusader A2 Hercules
  • Aegis Hammerhead
  • Esperia Talon
  • Esperia Talon Shrike
  • Constellation Andromeda
  • Aegis Redeemer

Most Flown Ships in Star Citizen

Winner: RSI Aurora

Runner up: Drake Cutlass Black

Reason: According to the stats released from January to October of 2019 these are the most flown ships.




 Aurora - Most Popular Ship Star Citizen

Ships With Most Kills

Winner: Anvil Arrow

Runner up: Drake Cutlass Black

Reason: According to the stats released by RSI these are the ships with the most kills.




Ship With Most Kills Star Citizen - Anvil Arrow

Jumptown 2.0 Stats

Winner: Aegis Redeemer

Runner up: Aegis Gladius

Bonus Content

Best Ship In Star Citizen

Winner: Friendship

The best ship in Star Citizen is friendship. The ship of friends will not only greatly enhance your gaming experience but is a force-multiplier when competing against others. Friendship is the best ship in the game.